The Wedding Vows

Posted on 7/21/2011 2:34:00 PM

Carmin and Eric is a loving couple. They prepared their own vows declaring their love to each other in front of their friends and family.

It was filmed with two T2i's. Officiant voice was recorded with Zoom H2 placed in front of the speaker. Vows was recorded with an Olympus voice recorder clipped to the groom. The audio got too hot and clipped a little.
Bob Schneider did an excellent job officiating the wedding. You can contact Bob at



Posted by Rob Patin on 7/26/2011 10:18:00 AM Hey, Taky! You're always willing to share your great ideas, so I wanted to share something with you since the audio for this wedding came out a little hot.
Like you, we don't use wireless mics. Instead, we have been using Olympus DM-520 recorders (on the groom and on the officiant). If you look around, you can find these beauties for about $150 each. We use Giant Squid Audio omnidirectional mono mics and the following recorder settings:
Mic Sense: High
Rec Mode: PCM
Rec Level: Auto
Zoom Mic: Wide
Low Cut Filter: Off
Anyway, the audio has always been excellent and drift is never an issue, I'm assuming because it can record uncompressed audio. If you'd like to hear a sample, feel free to email me.
Thanks again for all of the help you've provided with your blog!

Replied by LA Color Pros Hi Rob, thank you so much for sharing your gear information and setting. Really appreciated. I also noticed the sound is a bit hot for this part. I will look into upgrading the recorder and the mics.
Posted by Ken Mountain on 8/9/2011 11:42:00 PM Rob, I second your setup. I have been using the Olympus DM-520 recorders with the Giant Squid mics and the end product is absolutely beautiful audio with NO DRIFT!!! I couldn't be happier.

Replied by LA Color Pros Ken, I also followed Rob's suggestion to get the Giant Squid mic. But I bought the DM-420 instead. It is the same device with only 2GB internal memory.
I also tried it with the RODE PINMIC. The result is excellent.
Posted by Steve M on 9/26/2011 6:46:00 PM Ken and Rob,
Is the record level on auto working out with the DM-420? I use the same setup with the GS mics and kept my mics on rec level 8-9 depending on groom or pastor. I would like to put it on auto and not have to worry about it.

Replied by LA Color Pros Steve, I followed Rob's suggested settings on my DM-420. It works fine.
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