Before and After - What a Big Difference

Posted on 5/18/2009 2:50:00 AM

Lighting difference before and after at a dim ballroom using the CM1900 LED light.

I was working at a wedding that the entire ball room is dark.. There weren't any other lights except a few wall lights. With my two Comer CM-1800 LED lights, it makes such huge difference in shooting event and the final video quality.



Posted by Deb G. on 1/4/2010 1:41:00 AM I was just shooting a wedding (last-minute freebie for a friend) and was wondering about how the guests, couple, family felt about your lighting setup at the reception?
I was in a very similar lighting situation. I was trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. It seems like your lighting would be quite bright and distracting to the people; almost like having a spotlight on them. Did you use any kind of diffuser to soften things up a bit? What was the guests' reaction at the time?
The quality of the video is DEFINITELY improved greatly with your lighting setup :)

Replied by LA Color Pros Hey Deb, thank you for your message.
Time has changed. In the digital age that everybody has digital camera or cell phone, people do enjoy being under the spot night. The light we use make a big difference and impact to the event. It creates a focal point on the dance floor, cake table, or where guests should be looking at.
With a full dimmer, you can still be unobtrusive shooting quality grain-less video without distracting people. I never have any customer complain about the lighting setup. Much of them appreicate the setup without extra change. I will post another video in my blog to show you how people enjoy themself on the dance floor knowing the camera man is right there with lights.
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