VL312LED Review by Steven Digges

Posted on 2/9/2013 11:39:00 AM

Out customer Steven Digges wrote a review for the VL312LED Light at DVInfo.net. Thank you Steven.

I recently purchased a new Sony EA50 camera and wanted some hands on time with it. I never take new gear on gigs until I know the new piece well. I have never done a web review of anything, and I don’t shoot free commercials. In this case, since I was going to shoot anyway, I decided to see if I could spread a little bit of good karma.
Because this shoot was self assigned to check out a brand new camera body I wanted experience with, I did not put the same level of time and effort I would have if was a paid gig. It can be technically picked apart so please take it for what it is….an unsolicited testimonial for a vendor that sells a good light for a great price. I am going to put my ego aside and post it even though it is not a good example of my work. It is something I threw together.
The VL312LED is a good light. I would recommend it to anyone that wants an on camera light for a very reasonable price. I am a buy cheap pay twice believer. I do not buy cheap gear. I took a chance this time and bought a medium to low priced light and got a bargain instead of a piece of junk. I like the light. It sells for $149.00 at L.A. Color. Other lights in this category seem to range from $80.00 to $400.00. This light is a great deal. If you read reviews of other inexpensive lights the first thing you see is the hot shoes break off. This one is solid and I believe will last a long time.
The video shows the features. I found all claims by the manufacturer to be true except one. The light is not truly dimmable down to 10% as stated. There is obvious flicker at its lowest setting. The usable low range is probably closer to 20 or 30 percent. Very common with inexpensive dimmers.
I did not make any statements about brightness specifications because those seem to be unclear. You can read it for yourself at L.A. Color Pros. The bottom line is this thing is bright, soft, and broad. There is plenty of output. In fact the diffusion filter it comes with is not quite soft enough for me. That is a good thing because you can always knock it back by adding tough spun but you can’t get more power out of a light if it’s not there.



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